#SuperChats: Martina - a crafter of global brands who brings out the best in people

Martina Zivkovic is our dedicated Head of Brand and Marketing Operations, having joined Superbet three years ago. Her journey with us was a dynamic one to say the least, starting as Global Head of Planning in Marketing, then having moved to a newly formed Brand team as Group Head of Brand Operations, and currently overseeing operations with a double assignment, for Brand and Marketing.
Martina has gathered a wealth of knowledge, with almost 20 years of experience in advertising agencies, starting off with account executive assignments and leading up to multiple roles of client service director.
Her background is an eclectic and consistent mix of local and global network agencies, with just some of Martina’s highlight client accounts being Samsung, Erste Group, Tele2 – a mobile operator from Sweden, and Kraft – the producer of the Milka chocolates.
As part of the core team of people who transformed the feeling and mindset of “Super” into a global brand, you coordinated multiple projects, from defining brand identity and tone of voice to leading global advertising projects for multiple countries. What makes this experience unique and what is the secret behind the creation of such a consistent brand?
Firstly, let me start by saying it is nice to see our efforts have been recognised. It was quite a journey, if we take a look at all the things we managed to accomplish in the last three years. I can describe it as a unique and challenging experience, since there were only three of us in the newly formed Brand team, starting off with no established processes. We took on this challenge, shaped it into a positive thing, and created bespoke ways of working, so we were able to move fast, supporting progress in a structured way.
The results are visible, as we not only successfully launched and transformed Superbet’s brand identity, but also launched Happening, as our tech brand, accomplished the rebranding of Napoleon, prepared and implemented Superbet’s brand voice, and organized Superbet’s first international pitch for a global advertising concept.
The second challenge was how to implement things in such a vast organisation. With good planning and great support of key people we were successful, and we constantly keep these high standards, as these kinds of projects never really end.
Working in an international environment and managing people from different countries opens an entire universe of appreciation and knowledge for diverse backgrounds. How do you succeed in motivating and empowering your international team, while encouraging your colleagues to express their creativity?
Coming from an agency side, where teams were compact and nimble, I was challenged to work in such an extended environment, with colleagues from across several regions, who created a different level of beautiful complexity.
As a leader, you have to embrace diversity and variety of talent, you must adjust the way you communicate with your team and remain authentic in how you lead and motivate people. Honestly, it took me some time to find the right approach for different team members, how to talk to them, and even more, how to “read” their reaction to the insights I was sharing, or to the ways I was trying to empower them.
Nevertheless, I always choose not to focus on the things that make us different, but on all the things that we have in common. Having in my team people from different backgrounds and nationalities, where culture plays a significant role, I feel very fortunate to work with such talented people, with genuine creative passion. In the end, Superbet accomplishes a powerful thing – to unite us all through its unique culture and environment.

You have very impressive credentials in digital marketing and communications, showcasing true leadership and tenure in roles like client service director and account director. As the realm of marketing communications keeps changing and evolving, what fundamentals do you feel will remain evergreen?
Indeed, the media landscape has significantly changed since I started my professional path up until today and it will just keep changing in the future, at an even higher pace. That being said, there will always be one thing that is never-changing and is fundamental for marketing in its entirety – and that is knowing your customer. This is an evergreen element that should be in focus regardless of media landscape, industry, or territory.
Now, more than ever, due to digital media, we have a source of valuable data that helps us to know our customers in their complexity, allowing us to adjust our strategy, diversify the messages, and create new approaches. Also, due to digital media we are more flexible, we can and should always test and adjust based on the results that we get almost instantly.
There is one certainty, that we must always keep our customers in focus and that is a fundamental thing that I see will never change.
We happen to know that you are an avid hiker and a passionate traveler, in your free time. What do you gain from hiking experiences and how do these activities contribute to your balance and personal growth?
Hiking and travelling in general are the things that keep my batteries (fully) charged. I am one of those people that gains energy by being active, but preferably in nature or at least on my bicycle which I ride in the city. Whenever I can manage to escape to nature, even if the weather is not perfect, is something that I enjoy to the fullest. I have simply learned to appreciate nature, as it provides needed balance and inner peace.
On the other hand, as my work has taught me to enjoy challenges, I like to challenge myself with hikes that are not always easy. That is why, sometimes, I find myself asking why I chose a difficult trekking path, but keep going, and never allow myself to quit. I constantly learn from this practice and use the same approach when working on my projects.
Every time I conquer a new mountain peak, I feel motivated to do more and prove to myself that I can exceed my previous achievements. Some would say I am a challenge addict, and I am sure there is some truth to that!